Civil Engineering is one of the core branches of engineering. As the name implies- “CIVIL”, the branch mainly deals with fulfillment of basic necessities of human being. Apart from development of infrastructural facilities, it has also become a sector that encompasses around 50 % funds in national economy.
Growth of population and urbanization invited new problems in urban planning such as water supply, waste management, transportation and global warming. To overcome these problems and to build tomorrow’s India, role of Civil Engineer has vital essay writing service importance even in the era of information technology. Civil Engineering Department has been established in the year 2010. The Department is enriched with 13 laboratories equipped with sophisticated instruments, experienced and dedicated teaching faculty in all specializations of various disciplines of Civil Engineering. We have started our consultancy for outside clients also, such as testing of concrete cubes, water, waste water sampling etc. We are specialized in tests required for road works. Extra teaching for weak students is a unique feature of our college. The department is committed to produce competent Civil Engineers of multidimensional personality.
To be a Center for Developing Technically Excellent & Creative Civil Engineers.
1. To create technically sound civil engineers through rigorous teaching learning process.
M.E.(Construction Management )
Ph.D. (Civil), M.Tech (Environmental Engg.)
Civil Engineering Students Association (CESA) deals mainly with the extra-curricular activities to be organized by the departmental students for the departmental students. The association works for the integration of the students of various classes through various activities to bring out the hidden talents, technical skills and to enhance them as well as to develop students personality by making them organize the events which will help them to learn the managerial skills along with team and time management. Along with this, the association also works to organize technical activities which make them aware of the latest trends in Civil Engineering and help them prepare for the Global Competition.
Engineering Mechanics
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